“Thank you so much for whispering your magic on our 14 boys.  They’ve had their pre spring MOT and antlers removed ready for a lazy summer.  Cannot recommend you enough and look forward to seeing you in the autumn.”

Riverways Farm
Riverways Reindeer The Reindeer Whisperer

“We have had an amazing morning with The Reindeer Whisperer…so lovely to hear how he talked to the animals and he even offered to do the foot trimming for me – bonus!”

Cob House Country Park
Cob House The Reindeer Whisperer

“Great experience for both myself and the herd, I have never seen them so relaxed around someone they don’t know.  Phil you have worked your magic on my beauties and I can’t thank you enough for your help today. They were all relaxing in the field 10 minutes after you had gone.  Thanks once again.”

Haughton Park Reindeer
Haughton The Reindeer WhispererThe Reindeer Whisperer

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The standard chunk of Lorem Ipsu from "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" by Cicero are also reproduced
in their exact original form, accompanied. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus.